Tiny garden goddess has attitude for such a small woman

Okay, so this is not an elevated entry. Well something was elevated and it was my eyebrows.

While in Home Depot last night I saw a twenty-year-old girl wearing tiny white shorts that allowed all to experience the brevity or non-existence of her underwear. Her navel jewel was as large as a human thumbnail and the wrap around jersey mini- top she wore gave evidence that she had been endowed by the pulchritudinous fairy at adolescence because there was no altering under her halter. I guess it was kind of cold in there with the AC going, I was reminded. Her bleached hair, false eyelashes and fingernails were the additions that she had made.

I was officially curious. Why, I wondered, would she be in Home Depot. The rest of the women there are covered in sawdust, drywall dust, ready for action…. but a different kind of action.

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The Miami Beach woman met up with a friend at the check out. The friend was wearing white shorts as well but the emphasis was not so much on the going away view as the coming at you view. In the lingo of my youth both women were “done up.” The friend was trying to check out at the automated station. She swiped the same article several times because she had six of them. She laughed and told her companion, “This machine is smart.” She had to swipe each article separately.

I read the side of the container to see that the two young women just bursting with a Summer celebratory energy were buying six tubes of crack filler.

It is true. It happened.