Confusion is a Gift

Recently I attended a film presented by the Kelowna film festival society. I loved its strangeness, its experimental questioning of reality. However, as I left two women ahead of me walked slowly while conversing. One said, “What was that?” The second said, “I couldn’t understand it at all.”

As I thought about it, I remembered all of the things I have come across that I just didn’t get. The list includes software, new technology, music, movies, plays, books, cultures, doorways, water faucets, foods. It goes on and on. Each time I came across that place of puzzled frustration, I knew that my brain was going to have to rewire, lay down new neurons, grow, become more agile.

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And being in a state of mindfulness gives us the scope and clarity to see ourselves flashing fear. It is by observing our minds that we see that we are purposefully locking ourselves into a state of stultified imprisonment. I want only what I have always wanted. I refuse to engage in a process that grows me to be something more than I have always been. The place of promise is in the confusion. The chance to become more is when we arrive at a place where we simply don’t know what to think. And that is when we learn how to think, how to solve problems, how to seek out the challenges.

I was reminded as I left the movie that being in a space of not knowing leaves us always without the small minded locked down surety that we are always right. And so it begins.