Metis, East Indian spirit

Today was fascinating for me to pass through. I had deep, unexpected and very focused conversations. First a woman who is a guest in my airbnb talked about the education program she is running in the far north for First Nations’ youth.

She is Metis and explained that she felt called upon to establish a method forĀ  recovery from the injury inflicted by colonialism. The plan entailed a completed circle. The land being healed by First Nations youth learning farming in order to deeply connect to the earth and the youth being healed by showing love to the land is working, she explained.

She told me a story of a nurse who served at a residential school which was nearby where the children’s parents lived in the early days of white culture’s presence. The woman knew that when the government representatives came to “inspect” the children’s homes they were looking for an excuse to remove the children and separate them beyond recovery from their village culture.

Female Shaman Healing Ritual

And so she taught the women how to make bread. She helped the women understand the measures of proper child care as viewed through a white man’s eyes. She was a rebel who worked to thwart the over riding plan to move the children at a great distance from everything they had known. It was her intention to protect the families from colonialism’s abuse by introducing the skill of making bread. And it worked.

My guest went on to tell the story of a bread-making workshop that she ran on her own land. The women who held the ancestor’s memories of the ritual of bread making stood quietly. She could see that they were deeply moved by the reintroduction of the skills that had kept generations before them at home with their mothers.

She said, “The nurse was there when colonialism was beginning to inflict damage on the natives. And I am here now when the time has come for the ending colonialism and its effect.”

Years ago, It had suddenly come to her to develop a vision and she used her land, applied for a government grant and was handed a check personally from Stephen Harper.

“That is powerful magic”, I said, “From Stephen Harper.”

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The gift of seeing in a detached way, was one we both celebrated. We did not “belong” to any group and that gave each of us great freedom.

strong in the face of fear

After running a few errands, I ended up in a Starbucks. As I sipped the foamy stuff that gives me LatteĀ“ love, I overhead a conversation going on at my back.

Three men from India were discussing the turmoil that is playing out now in their home country. They shared the personal work they are doing to stay in a place of compassion. One discussed how grateful he was to read the texts of Buddhism, Hinduism, The Koran and other spiritual practices. I listened as they agreed that to not be manipulated into hatred or judgement took real effort.

I moved over to them and said that I was so very moved by their conversation and they asked me to sit with them.

We went on to discuss the benefits of mindfulness practice and staying out of fear.

The youngest of them shook my hand and said, “Thank you for sharing with us.”

I walked out the door thinking, “Wow. Wow. Wow.”