A spring in my step

Wielding the mighty pitch fork, I dug up the errand grass clumps in the garden and speculated about the goodness or badness of plants. Grass in the lawn is a beautiful thing. It is soft, thick a place to lay down and see the sky. Grass in the garden bed is the enemy.

Rotary Centre Artists

Rotary Centre Artists

I freed the heather from the surrounding enemy of grass clumps. I raked the protective leaves off of the surface of the soil. What was once a blanket is now a shroud, so must be moved. I anticipated planting seeds. I got dirty, I bent way over and I carried heavy bags. It was an invigorating method of replanting myself in the garden.

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changing who I am reforming

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grand girl Tegan

grand girl Tegan

So I will continue to work on the garden, start the process of organizing my on line presence and I wish to make some dresses for my beautiful grand girls. I will look forward with optimism and realize that the seeds I plant now will bloom and provide me with beauty.