DENVER: a Mile High

I made my way through the Denver airport, kind of muttering under my breath as I do when I am encouraging myself, or calming myself down. So often I have just latched onto others who look like they know where they are going. It usually works. But one day, I may find myself in catacombs, elevators to unfinished stories, dark trackless recesses. However, it worked again.
Just find a person who is shooting off of your plane, jogging to the luggage carrel, pounding toward an open doorway and the mere trajectory of holding onto his or her energy will fling you out of an unmarked door into a labyrinth of vehicles swooping past to pick up their precious cargo of unclaimed family members or executives with a plan in their suitcases.
I was standing in the breeze created by the movement of cars rolling past on the cement edges of the flow when I heard my name being called.
My sister-in-law was in the car yoohooing me. I hadn’t seen her since my stepfather died in April and the seven of us had cleared out his house, settled the paperwork and walked away in four days.
Considering he and my dead mother had kept every receipt since the 1960’s, it was a miracle that we managed. I remember staring down at the receipt for two cups of coffee for 24 cents from 1962 from Little Black Sambo’s restaurant.
So strange on so many layers, the paper was almost tempting me to keep it but when faced with decades of hoarding you have to be tough.
There she was in the car coming to pick me up while my brother drove himself to the hospital. He had been working on a project and decided to saw some of his fingers. After I was in the house, shown my room with the dozens of teddy bears sitting sentinel around the top of the bookshelves and back downstairs, Rob came in with his hand in the air and blood working its way through the bandage. Stitches, he informed us. Call the doctor check on tetanus shot, stitches out in 10 days.

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Home improvements, injury, husbanding for 42 years, my brother is tough and versatile.
The first night I awoke feeling sick and sore all over. My head ached and I felt like I had the flu but also that I had trouble breathing. Carol informed me the next day it was altitude sickness. Must drink lots of water.
After I took my pills in the morning, I felt like I had gotten off of a carnival ride. The room spun around, I was flashing hot/cold, my pulse elevated. I soon learned that that was a response I would get every day after taking my pills in this high, desert plain. Wild.
We go somewhere to experience a difference but when the differences occur, we are resistant. I just learned to sit and relax my breathing for a while until the medication and the altitude made peace with one another. It was kind of a panting meditation.