Woke up to the gray day, even though the Maple tree has budded fists of potential against my window, I felt unenthusiastic about peeling back my cocoon 0f down blanket. My skin did not want to experience the air. The kind appearance of my husband bearing the coffee he fixes for me in the morning did little to encourage activity. I ready for a while, I Am America and So Can You, Stephen Colbert’s new book. Working up a partial smile, I decided it was hopeless and throwing off my glasses, I plunged once again into my nest and sleep. Usually I am up at 5:45 to begin answering emails, checking out possiblities to submit to galleries and generally structuring opportunities for myself and others in the morning light.
I drifted into a warm bath then onto the computer after completing my morning cleaning and dishes. It was less than a soldierly effort. But there is a voice in my head that excuses all things with the, “You are, after all retired, ” excuse.
Choosing my daughter as a friend on face book got me caught up in that chimera for several hours. I have my doubts as to how wise it is to post in these places but hesitantly push out into the virtual world trying to cast my net as an artist further afield or further an ocean.
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I am going to seduce myself out the door by promising myself art supplies. Do you suppose I will be fooled into it?
It is still pretty cold and gray. Shiver.