Published: November 13, 2008 6:00 PM
There will be self-published books, chapbooks, book art, small press books and publishing house books. Gallery Vertigo’s inaugural book fair will have books, books and more books.
The event, which includes an exhibition of titles running Tuesday to Dec. 13 and the fair on Nov. 29 in Gallery Two, is a chance to buy literature as well as meet local authors.
Okanagan writers, publishers and artists are invited to submit books of all kinds to the gallery. Visual artists are invited to submit book works and illustrations for exhibition as well.
To have your works included in the show and/or sale, call 250-503-2297. Exhibition submissions must be received by Saturday. The book fair is being held Nov. 29 from 1 to 3 p.m. with readings by writers in the first hour and a book signing in the second hour.
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What fun! In anticipation of teaching hand crafted books for UBC O Extention Services, I made five handmade books including my poetry and digital imagery for sale in Vernon. The task was engaging and allowed me to explore the interaction between my poetry and my visual/digital art.
My plan is to continue to produce these books and to make versions that are not water soluable. I don’t want to make mass produced items but simply to explore how to produce books that are more sturdy.
Last week I worked ten hour days on marketing and production. I will be loading up images of the new small mdf magnets that I have been painting called “miniature masterpieces” for my site next week. I have also begun to find places to hang my art in the business or corporate setting. The eight pieces I have up at my doctor’s new office are stunningly appropriate for the setting. I always intuited that my work would work best in a contemporary setting.
Coldwell Banker is thinking about putting pieces up in their office and I will produce some giant works for a new furniture store in the Mission area of Kelowna.
I am waiting to receive the catalogue from the Trevisan “Traces of Memory” show in Ferrar, Italy. Photographs of the show are forth coming.
Always more to do in terms of getting my work out into the world. Stay tuned I will be adding links and images soon.